Extracts from a lecture on the birth of prophet Mohammad (PBUH)… Prof. Abusin.

Extracts from a lecture on the birth of prophet
Mohammad (PBUH)… Prof. Abusin.
There has been a saga circulating for quite some time, vested in a strange statement which voices a view describing the celebration of the birthday of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as a beda’a.
Linguistically, beda’a (heresy) reflects the break of a harmonic pattern of a certain system. When Muslims celebrate the birthday of their prophet , they go through his biography singling out the incidents and situations where they consider as examples to follow; by doing this, they will keep themselves acquainted with the Islamic teachings.
Quran says (And what the messenger has given you take it), and the prophet hadith runs (I have left among you guidelines that if followed, you will never go astray, the book of Allah and my tradition.)
The tradition here means (Sunna) and Sunna is reflected in his sayings and behaviour.
When (PBUH) was asked why he used to fast on Mondays, he said: that was the day I was born. This reflects the fact that he (PBUH) was keen to remember that day with respect. What we are longing for, is not to cancel the celebration, but to put the occasion in its right context – an occasion of study and remembrance – reminding ourselves of how our prophet translated the Quran to behaviour. We want to furnish the nights of celebration with intensive Dua’a and Salat on him (Peace Be Upon Him) responding to Quran: (Allah and his Angles send blessings on the prophet, O, you that believe send your blessings on him and salute him with all respect.)
Some are rejecting the idea of celebrating the occasion, because the companions did not perform it, and the simple answer to this is the absence of need for that. They did not need to remember their daily life. They were living the biography and participating in paving the way for the prophethood’s footsteps.
When (PBUH) said in an authenticated hadith (If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected and thrown back to him.) This Hadith is referring to major changes in the essence of the belief, like changes in Salat, Hajj and the like. I gave an example to the people who attended my lecture in London by saying: Beda’a is when I say to you, Londoners, look… We realise that it is a long journey to Mekkah, so a special Ka’aba will be built for you in Central London!
Every bit of his life (PBUH) from cradle to grave has been recorded, and displayed in an informative appearance and content, covering all aspects of his life, and setting examples to be copied.
We do need to extend our da’ua or evitation for new joiners of Islam by presenting convincing reasons qualified with logic.
In Islam parents’ status is held with respect, and their children must keep this respect with love linked to that originated from the creator, almighty, the source of everything. An outstanding person has demonstrated and reminded us of how the umbrella of Allah could go over the normal norms and replace the parents’ role. Mohammad (PBUH) lost his father while he was in the womb of his mother, lost his mother when he was six, lost his grandfather when he was eight.
Quraysh as a tribe among the Arab Peninsula’s inhabitants was an influential leader and a strong fighter. If Mohammad (PBUH) announced his new message from Mekkah people might say that a strong tribe was dictating a new religion using its status, so the change of the invitation platform was necessary. When Angel Gabriel came to overpower the non-believers by moving the mountain over their bodies, he disagreed hoping that next generation might embrace the religion.
The Jews used to tell a story about a messenger that would emerge from among their community, and he would lead them to kill the Arabs in a fierce manner as that of the old nations (Aa’d and Eram). When Mohammad (PBUH) appeared, they picked the winning flag. The Aus and Khazraj, the two Madina Arab tribes were fighting each other and were divided in support of different groups of Jews.
The new visitor to Madina with a slogan of brotherhood, united Arab fighters and used them as a spearhead for the defence of the new Da’aua that laboured on logic, peace, freedom, and justice as a constitution paved with honesty and good manners.