أخبار عالميهالرئيسية
تغريدات: المحتجون يخرجون مجددا في إيران ويهتفون ضد السلطات

Protests continue in Tehran. Protesters are chanting many of the same slogans from #IranProtests of November 2019
They’re chanting: “The regime told us our enemy is the US. But actually, our enemy is right here” [in reference to the regime itself].
Jan 12, Tehran, #Iran
Beheshti University students refuse to walk on & disrespect painted U.S. & Israeli flags while chanting, “Basij forces, you are responsible for killing the people”.Basij is an IRGC paramilitary wing.#IranProtestspic.twitter.com/iItqmHrXXO
Jan 12 – Damghan, northern #Iran
(East of Tehran)
Damghan University students chanting:
“Commander in chief, resign, resign!”
Protests across Iran specifically targeting the regime dictator @khamenei_ir.#IranProtests
وهتف المحتجون الذين احتشدوا في شارع أمام جامعة في طهران “يكذبون ويقولون إن عدونا أمريكا، عدونا هنا”.
المصدر: “رويترز”