رد الدكتور الطيب ابو سن على مقطع توك توك يقول ان الإسلام انتشر بالسيف / استمع
الدكتور الطيب ابو سن سوداني يعيش في بريطانيا

The claim that Islam was spread by the sword has now been completely rejected by the public opinion. If we look at the history of Islam ,we will find that the first capital of Islam was Medina which was the centre of peace and coexistence among different tribes and religions.
When Mohammed (pbuh) migrated to Medina there was no use of sword to force people into Islam, instead the approach to spreading Islam was through wisdom and good preaching. Medina was a model of peaceful coexistence Muslims and non-muslims where the constitution of Medina was signed establishing rules for peaceful coexistence between Muslims ,Jews and other tribes.
This civilization model of dealing with others clearly refutes any claim that Islam was spread by force or violence. Islam as shown by its founding history in Medina relied on preaching through wisdom, dialogue and mutual respect
Islam had and has never used sword as a tool for spreading its teachings. The behaviour of the early Muslims invaded Asia and Africa. Texts of Quran have clearly stated that Muslims should not attack but defend in case of being attacked. Pyramids in Egypt, and different idols in Asia were never touched by Muslims as signs of non believing ideas.
This man’s words about witnesses stating that Jesus is in the form of God and comparing their words with Qura’an is really a big falasy. Who are these people he is talking about?
Qura’an ,in clear statements , has declared that Jesus is the word and the prophet of God.
The invitation sent to humanity in Arabic because the Arabic Language has the richest dictionary among the world languages. English Dictionary has one hundred and seventy thousand words, while the Arabic Dictionary has twelve million words standing as a witness for the flexibility , ability, and depth of the extended meanings.
This man has to go to what English Speaking Scholars stated about Qura’an and Islam to get to know that Arabic language is easy to learn, flexible to express and has got depth and wide dimensions of the sentence.
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