الرئيسيةالمنصة الدولية زووممكتبة الفيديومنظمة همسة سماء

Thank you, you deserve to be crowned Person of the Year 2021 Professor Laura Mazza

Honor in exchange for humanitarian support for the Third World without any financial compensation.

aHamsaat Samas Al taqafa Organization

With the participation of His Highness Prince Nayef Al-Thunayan Al Saud, Sheikha Maryam Al-Khair Al-Sabah, His Excellency the Minister of Development in the State of Palestine, Dr. Ahmed Al-Majdalani, the great singer Lotfi Bushnak, researchers, scientists and doctors from different countries, the International Culture Skies Whisper Organization crowned a group of researchers and scholars. At the level of the Arab and Western world
Professor Laura Mazza
Secretary General of the Mediterranean, Diplomatic Advisor of the United to Unite Movement.
Vice president of Federformazione
Planet Life Economy Foundation Board of Directors, In the scientific committee of the Institute of Political, Economic and Social Studies, Ambassador of Peace.

Professor Laura Mazza

DiplomaDc Advisor of the United to Unite Movement, Director of Chambre de Commerce Italie – Madagascar, Ambassador of Peace (United NaDons Leaders for Peace project).

She holds posiDons at the top of internaDonal associaDons, she acts as consulDng expert during government roundtables, it also specializes in cooperaDon and development projects. She’s a member of Academic Senate , she’s in the board of Nuova Organizzazione Imprese and author of arDcles in internaDonal publicaDons. Laura Mazza was chosen to manage and develop the business and services, thanks to her excellent skills in the areas of strategic advice, communicaDons ad digitalisaDon, training and skills cerDficaDon, finance and internaDonalisaDon. She specializes in cooperaDon and development projects vith the internaDonal diplomaDc insDtute. Author of arDcoles in internaDonal journals.

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